How to Handle Car Wash Injuries at Your Car Wash

Car Wash Injuries at Your Car WashAll car wash owners should be prepared to handle car wash injuries when they occur. Whether the injury is one of your employees or a customer, having a plan in place can help mitigate damages and ensure the safety of your employees and customers remains a top priority.

Types of Car Wash Incidents and Injuries

Some of the more common types of car wash incidents and injuries include:
  • Slips and Falls – People can slip and fall on wet and slippery surfaces.
  • Trips and Falls – People can trip over vacuum and wash equipment.
  • Back Injuries – Your employees can hurt their backs when they attempt to lift items that are too heavy.
  • Hand Injuries – Employees and customers can hurt their hands on sharp objects or by placing their hands inside moving equipment.
  • Foot Injuries – Employees can have their feet run over by a vehicle.

Steps to Follow When Car Wash Injuries Occur

Step 1: Ensure Safety Comes First

While you cannot prevent workplace injuries, you need to continue to practice safety when one does. You need to do whatever you can to protect the injured person from further injuries, such as shutting down the wash equipment or not moving the person when seriously injured.

Step 2: Seek Medical Treatment

The injury should be treated as soon as possible. If necessary, call 911 for an ambulance.

Step 3: Fill Out a Car Wash Incident Report

You need to document the accident and injury regardless of whether it will be filed with your insurance or for workers’ comp. You need to record the injury’s date, time, and location. If the weather was a contributing factor, put that information in the car wash incident report.

Include every detail, no matter how minor it may seem. In addition, record whether the injured person sought medical treatment or refused it.
Car Wash Incident Report

Step 4: Take Pictures

Take pictures of the location at your car wash where the injury occurred. If a piece of equipment caused the injury, take pictures of the equipment too.

Step 5: Interview Eyewitnesses

Take the time to interview any employees or customers who saw the injury take place. If they are a customer, ensure you get their contact details.

Step 6: Have the Injured Party Fill Out a Workplace Incident Report

After the injured party has had their injury treated, you want to have them fill out a workplace incident report. This report should be their account of what occurred and led to the injury.

Once you have completed these steps, you can then determine if you need to file a claim with your liability insurance or workers’ comp. It may also be in your interest to consult with a lawyer if the other party claims their injuries were your fault.

Reducing Risks of Car Wash Injuries

  • Reducing Risks of Car Wash InjuriesEducate and Train Your Employees – Take the time to verify that your employees understand and know the proper safety procedures at your car wash.
  • First-Aid Certification Training – Host a first-aid certification training program for you and your employees.
  • Educate Your Customers About Safety – Put up signage to warn customers of potential hazards, how to safely operate vacuum and wash equipment, etc.
  • Keep Your Car Wash Well-Maintained – The best way to reduce the risks of car wash injuries is with regular maintenance and upkeep.
  • Shut Down Defective/Faulty Equipment – When equipment is not operating correctly, shut it down until you can have it repaired correctly.

Please keep in mind that the above steps to follow and tips for reducing the risks of car wash incidents and injuries is by no means all-inclusive. However, they should be a good place to help you further develop and enhance your car wash safety protocols and processes so you and your employees are better prepared when workplace incidents and injuries occur.

Car Wash Supplies at Wholesale Prices

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